The United States in the Reagan Years

Primary Number: HIST 30863

ConStudies Number: CNST 30020

ConStudies CRN: 20070

Primary CRN: 20037

Instructor: Soares, John

Day/Time: MW 3:30-4:45

Attributes: HBNA, HCT5, WKHI

Location: Debartolo Hall 206

From his national television appearance in support of the doomed Goldwater presidential campaign in 1964 through his failed presidential runs in 1968 and 1976 and his presidency (1981-89) on to the official dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ronald Reagan played a significant role in, and in reaction to, major developments in American politics, foreign policy, and society. This class will consider the turbulence and protest movements of the 1960s; the conservative backlash; the individualism of the Me Decade and beyond; foreign policy issues including Vietnam, détente, the "second Cold War," and the end of the Cold War; and national political disputes over issues like taxes, abortion, foreign policy and nuclear weapons.