Overcriminalization of America

Primary Number:

ConStudies Number: CNST 30440

ConStudies CRN: 20804

Primary CRN:

Instructor: Thapar, Amul

Day/Time: September 15-17, 7-9 pm and November 3-5, 7-9 pm


Location: TBD

The average American, according to one legal scholar, commits three felonies a day. In this 1-credit course, we will discuss how America’s federal criminal law has become so expansive, what dangers may arise from this expansion, and what can be done about it. During this two-week course, we will study the development of the federal criminal code and the cases underlying it. Beginning with the American Founding, we will consider the purpose of criminal law and whether America’s criminal laws and regulations have strayed from this purpose. The course will be taught by the Honorable Amul Thapar, judge on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.