Economic Sins

Primary Number: BES 43100

ConStudies Number: CNST 30436

ConStudies CRN:

Primary CRN: 19440

Instructor: Otteson, James

Day/Time: MW 9:30-10:45


Location: Mendoza College of Business 203

This course is a discussion-based seminar investigating a series of “economic sins.” That is, we will explore differing perspectives on a series of controversies in economics and business, such as just or fair wages, collective action problems, exploitation, asymmetry in knowledge and leverage, inequality, sweatshops, sustainability, and cronyism. How does business in a market economy give rise to such problems? How does it, or can it, address them? What is the proper role of government with respect to such issues? Readings will draw from classical and contemporary sources in economics, philosophy, theology, political science, and business ethics, and will represent a range of perspectives. This course is part of the Business and the Common Good minor.