Civil Liberties

Primary Number: POLS 40074

ConStudies Number: CNST 40001

ConStudies CRN: 20252

Primary CRN: 20233

Instructor: O'Malley, Deborah

Day/Time: TR 3:30-4:45


Location: Debartolo Hall 333

Most courses in constitutional law narrate the Supreme Court's evolving positions on constitutional rights and institutions. This course starts not with the Supreme Court but with the Federalist Papers, from which it develops a general theory of the social and economic goals or ends of constitutional government in America. It then uses this theory as a framework for assessing the Supreme Court's position on property rights, race relations, personal privacy, and the place of religion in American life. This exercise can yield results that make for lively class discussion, not only about the Court, but about the adequacy of the Constitution itself. Grades will be based on a midterm and a final exam, with a paper option in lieu of the final.