Tyler Castle

Associate Director

Tyler Castle is Associate Director of the Center for Citizenship & Constitutional
Government, overseeing the Tocqueville Fellowship Program, the Constitutional Studies
Minor, and other programs for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as alumni.

Concurrently, he is a Ph.D. candidate in Notre Dame’s Political Science department. His
dissertation explores the philosophical grounding for political moderation within the
Christian intellectual tradition, focusing on the thought of Augustine, Blaise Pascal, and
Alexis de Tocqueville. During his time at Notre Dame, Tyler has been selected as a
David Solomon Fellow with the deNicola Center for Ethics and Culture and a Michael
and Karen Laub-Novak Fellow with the Jacques Maritain Center.

Before coming to Notre Dame, Tyler spent almost a decade at the American Enterprise
Institute in Washington, DC, where he served as director of its Initiative on Faith &
Public Life and contributed to the institute’s broader efforts to improve the quality of
political discourse on college campuses. Previously, Tyler was a fellow with the John
Jay Institute and received his B.A. in Political Science from Westmont College in Santa
Barbara, CA.

Email: tcastle2@nd.edu
Phone: 574-631-4278
Office: 2009A Jenkins Nanovic Halls