Debate with Michael Anton and Jim Otteson: "How Moral are Markets?"


Location: Jordan Auditorium (Mendoza College of Business) (View on map )

3.24 Debate How Moral Are Markets? Anton Otteson

Click here to watch the debate.

This event will be hosted in conjunction with the Intercollegiate Studies Institute's "Great American Storybook" conference. 

Michael Anton is a lecturer and research fellow at Hillsdale College, a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, and a former national security official in the Trump and George W. Bush administrations. He has also served in the administrations of California Governor Pete Wilson and New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. 

Anton has extensive experience in the private sector and was educated at the Claremont Graduate University, St. John's College, and the University of California, Berkeley. His most recent book is The Stakes: America at the Point of No Return

James R. Otteson is the John T. Ryan Jr. Professor of Business Ethics, the Honors Program Faculty Director, and a CCCG faculty fellow at the University of Notre Dame. He received his BA from the Program of Liberal Studies at the University of Notre Dame and his PhD in philosophy from the University of Chicago. 

Otteson specializes in business ethics, political economy, the history of economic thought, and eighteenth-century moral philosophy. He has taught previously at Wake Forest University, New York University, Yeshiva University, Georgetown University, and the University of Alabama. 

His books include Adam Smith’s Marketplace of Life (Cambridge, 2002), Actual Ethics (Cambridge, 2006), Adam Smith (Bloomsbury, 2013), The End of Socialism (Cambridge, 2014), The Essential Adam Smith (Fraser Institute, 2018), and Honorable Business: A Framework for Business in a Just and Humane Society (Oxford, 2019). His most recent books are The Essential David Hume (Fraser, 2021) and Seven Deadly Economic Sins (Cambridge, 2021). His just-released book is Should Wealth Be Redistributed? A Debate (with Steven McMullen; Routledge, 2023).