Panel: "Sex, Morality, and the Constitution: A Conversation on the Founding, Family, and Freedom Today"


Jan 25 West Tsesis


Tom West, Paul Ermine Potter and Dawn Tibbetts Potter Endowed Professorship in Politics, Professor of Politics, Hillsdale College

Alexander Tsesis, Raymond & Mary Simon Chair in Constitutional Law and Professor of Law, Loyola University Chicago School of Law


talk begins at 11:00 am - Room 1030 of Jenkins and Nanovic Halls

This event is free and open to the public
Presented by the Constitutional Studies Program and the Tocqueville Program for Inquiry into Religion & Public Life


About the speakers:

Thomas West studies and teaches on the political and moral thought of Aquinas, Hobbes, Locke, Leo Strauss, and of American political thought after Lincoln, including progressivism and recent liberalism.  Recent books include: The Political Theory of the American Founding: Natural Rights, Public Policy, and the Moral Conditions of Freedom (Cambridge, 2017), and Vindicating the Founders: Race, Sex, Class, and Justice in the Origins of America (Rowman and Littlefield, 1997).

Alexander Tsesis teaches Constitutional Law, First Amendment, Civil Procedure, and seminars devoted to civil rights issues and constitutional interpretation. Recent books include: Constitutional Ethos (Oxford 2017), For Liberty and Equality: The Life and Times of the Declaration of Independence (Oxford 2012), We Shall Overcome: A History of Civil Rights and the Law (Yale University Press 2008), and The Thirteenth Amendment and American Freedom: A Legal History (New York University Press 2004).


For more information, contact:  |  574.631.5351  |

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