Lecture by Jelani Cobb: "The Half-Life of Freedom: on Race and Justice in America."


Location: Jordan Auditorium (View on map )

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The Dean's Fellows of the College of Arts and Letters are excited to bring Dr. Jelani Cobb to campus to talk on "The Half-Life of Freedom: Race and Justice in America Today."

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Over the past few years, discussions of racial inequality have saturated the national consciousness, as a myriad of forces brought the dream of a post-racial America into question. Evidence of police brutality and racial injustice operating in the social media age have brought the issue to a fever pitch, especially given the polarizing political atmosphere surrounding the 2016 election cycle. The annual Deans Fellow’s speaker series strives to foster critical thinking and discussion about racial inequality and justice, in line with the larger Notre Dame mission of diversity and inclusion.

Dr. Cobb teaches in the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He is a frequent contributor to CNN and a staff writer at The New Yorker, where he has penned a remarkable series of articles about race, the police, and injustice. His articles include “The Anger in Ferguson,” “Murders in Charleston,” and “What We Talk About When We Talk About Reparations. Additionally, he has gained recognition for his Frontline documentary “Policing the Police,” released in September, and his contribution to the acclaimed Ava DuVernay documentary, 13th.